Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sky3ds card function test report

From the last articles refer to sky3ds, I believe that you should know something about sky3ds card now. According to the official video show, this card can work on the latest version 9.X 3DS, and now, we have get the first batch of this card, and also test by ourselves. (Buy sky3ds card)

There is not much difference between sky3ds card and regular 3ds flash cards, at the top of sky3ds card, we can find a micro SD socket, a little button and a guiding light. The micro SD socket will hold the micro SD with games, and you can switch the games by the button, and the guiding light will work when sky3ds card is put into 3ds, or switch the games and so on.

sky3ds card

sky3ds card 2

sky3ds card 3

sky3ds card 4

Most gamers should know some shortage about this card, at present, sky3ds card solve the lock region. When we get the card, it includes two games for testing, Supper Mario 3D mainland and Come on! Animal Crossing, both USA region, while the Japan version 3DS can't read and play the games mentioned above.

At the moment we test the compatibility of 3DS version with this card, we prove that it's really workable on the latest version 9.2 and any version below, meanwhile, you do not need to hack your 3DS anymore, plug and play. It's also very convenient when you want to switch the games, you just need to press the button on the top of the card, and then the light gets blue, after glitter in a while, the switch is done, all function runs normally, even if save games last time.

For now, we can't copy the games to micro SD from PC, and it need to use the special software to complete the copy process from PC to micro sd. Certainly, we also can't check the games on PC again as soon as the games is copied by this special software, PC will remind "Need to be formatted". As we do not have the special software, we do not test the operation to copy games, and also can't test the reading process, I will make up more details in near future.(Buy sky3ds card)

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